It wasn’t long ago when Transgenders were looked down upon and were sociallyunidentified, even constitutionally. Their claps were considered a sign of blessing butat the same time were a part of age long stigma which discriminated them fromcommon people. They’ve been long facing discrimination in form of gettingabandoned by family, friends, society and government.But bad times ...
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Social Experiment
Queer Hugs – Will you hug a homosexual?

It wasn't a long time back when racial discrimination was prevalent in major parts of the world. Even today, it happens behind the closet but here’s a discrimination which the law doesn't recognise as an act of discrimination. Today in India considering Section 377, many heterosexuals consider Homosexuals to be abnormal. To change this perspective, Queer-Kala organized an event...
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Pride, dignity, the feeling of being accepted with your own identity, the ability to come out in open with self assurance are some indispensable rights that have been suppressed, for a major section of our society… The LGBT Community! The Indian LGBT community since more than a decade have been organising Pride Parades in different cities and have exponentially grown with time...
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Shashi Tharoor has introduced a private member’s bill in order to scrap section 377.
Hope is the rope, that swings through life. When all had given up hope for enforcement of equality and freedom, specially for the LGBT community in India... Shashi Tharoor, MP for Thiruvanthapuram has recently introduced a private member’s bill to scrap section 377. A section of Indian Penal Code that bars the LGBT community from pursuing their choice of sexuality & choosin...
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Intolerance: Mumbaikars take a stand!

The heated debate of growing intolerance in India has been aggravated by so called intellectuals, liberals and politicians. There have been “Award-Wapsis” “Intolerance rallies” and what not? All said and done, what matters the most is common man’s beliefs. Here’s a video that finds out if a common Mumbaikar is intolerant and how far has intolerance tainted the common man? Every...
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Delhi Pride Parade – 2015 (A Preview)

With the Delhi Pride Parade 2015 around the corner, we present to you this review from Delhi Queer Pride Parade 2014. Watch what participants of Delhi Queer Pride Parade had to say about Section 377 and Gay rights.Join this year's Delhi Queer Pride Parade to aggressively support LGBT rights.
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World’s opinion – Who is to be blamed for Islamophobia in The US?

The recent arresting of a 14 year old Muslim Boy Ahmed Mohamed, for building a clock shows the clear picture of subsistence of Islamophobia in USA and what American Muslims would be facing every day in this country of Islamophobes!Here’s a video that gives a clear picture as to what needs to be done and what the experts think about “Islamophobia in The US”Have a look and share!
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Doordarshan just became more liberal. Screening an LGBT Film

Doordarshan which is the Government’s national broadcaster, will break new grounds by screening LGBT issues film “Purple Skies.”The motion picture, made by noted LGBT issues movie producer Sridhar Rangayan takes a gander at the stories of India's LGBT era. The film is created by Public Service Broadcasting Trust( PSBT) which showcases its work on Doordarshan, and additionally o...
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This lady watched Unfreedom Movie… Her reaction is absolutely exhilarating!

Smitha Jammalamadaka from Charlotte, North Carolina, USA got her copy of Unfreedom Movie DVD and her reaction after watching the film was overwhelming. She posted a selfie with #Unfreedom T-shirt on; along with a video. Here's what she had to say about the film & the #Unfreedom Campaign!"Supporting #Unfreedom and #TheHashtagUnfreedomCampaign , loving myself in e...
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Bollywood: Double Meaning Songs from the 90s

Bollywood is full of hilarious sexual puns and double entendres! Join Karan as he takes you on a ride...
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