We all need to know that Censor Board is operating unconstitutionally in the way it offers cuts to the filmmakers in India and refuses to certify films.
This petition is to preserve our right to absolute freedom of speech and expression in cinema by abolishing the Censor board and establishing a new body that is authorized only to rate a film for age restrictions based on its content. We, the People of India and the World, sign this petition to save freedom of speech from any interference and we demand that the Prime Minister of India issue a directive to the Censor Board to respect freedom of speech of all Indians to the extent that:
“There shall be no law that abridge the freedom of speech and expression, and everyone should have the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and without any interference, regardless of frontiers.”
“If there is one right that is most fundamental, it is our right to speak. No matter who it offends and No matter who it insults. There is no freedom of speech and expression if there are restrictions to it. It is one freedom that should be absolute and worth dying for.” – Raj Amit Kumar
Sign the petition against censorship here and share as much as you can.